Quick Look
The Quick Look, is the entry level, no commitment, Software Asset Management discovery service. This is a great place to start if you don’t know where you sit, or you don’t know what opportunities might exist for your business through improving you Software Asset Management.
What is it?
Who is it for?
What do you get?

The Quick Look is a one time, no commitment assessment of your current Microsoft and SAM position.
The work consists of two data gathering efforts, which serve as the basis for the end reporting:
- Software Asset Management Process Interview: We’ll go through what your’re currently doing in the realm of SAM, so I can look for risks and opportunities.
- Software Inventory: a one time scan of your network to get a general idea on what software is installed and where.
This light touch SAM engagement can provide some very quick wins to businesses, and IT professionals in these scenarios:
- Inheriting a new IT environment: Have you come to a new company, or maybe the business recently acquired another company that you need quick insight into?
- Evaluating or planning a new infrastructure project, or application rollout: This service can provide assurance that these changes will maintain compliance, and provide valuable information to assist with the planning of the project.
- Never been able to get SAM off the ground: This engagement can provide you with ammunition to take to the powers that be, to get your projects approved.
By the end of the evaluation, I want you to have a clear picture of your current Microsoft licensing estate, as well as some key areas where your organisation can improve overall SAM processes moving forward.
The evaluation gives you this in two easy to read reports:
- Microsoft ELP (Effective Licensing Position): How many installations of Microsoft apps you have, and how many licenses you actually own, highlighting any discrepancies.
- Software Asset Management Enhancement Report: Clear steps you and your organisation can take to improve the way you’re managing your IT assets.
Two Simple Engagement Models

2 week, on-site Software Inventory Discovery, Software Asset Management Discovery, and advice for what to do next. Reach out and I can give you the full 2 week breakdown and you can see if it'll work for you.

Same discovery service, but conducted completely remotely, and ranging in time-frame anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks, based on you and your team's time constraints and availability.